Title: Floating squirrel
Summary: I had a squirrel sit on one of my beds, or so I thought. It struck me as cute, so I took a closer look, and it turns out they were floating slightly above the bed. There are other reported bugs/glitches where things float, but this struck me as a separate issue, probably just due to the collision box of the bed when there isn’t a specific (sleeping) animation, like there is for the citizens. (Then again, 22:47 suggests I may be wrong here.) Just a guess, though. If it turns out it is similar to other such bugs, I apologize.
Steps to reproduce: Somewhat tricky unless you can control a squirrel to move on top of a bed—which, come to think of it, probably isn’t such a challenge for a developer. In that case, it’s simple: move a squirrel on top of a bed. If my instinct is correct, it should work for chairs too, for example, and perhaps tables and other objects.
Versions and mods: No mods, latest release version in Steam at the time of writing, version 0.1.0 (release 110) according to the title screen.
System information:
- OS: Windows 8 Pro 64 bits (6.2, build 9200)
- Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-3450 CPU @ 3.10GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.5GHz
- Memory: 8192MB RAM
- DirectX-version: DirectX 11
- Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660