Dreamception.. A Forum Game

In the end… there was nothing

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tommy was drowning on a lac and then tommy was millionar

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Thomas awoke the barest grit like the mud on the bottom of a lake or texture of a hundred dollar bill. The dream slowly faded from his mind but left him with the question of where he could have ever felt those things?

For Thomas and thousands of other survivors of the catastrophe, money and bodies of water of that size. Now all there was dust and the sun bearing down on you and burning you inside out.

water” Thomas gasped as he realized what he needed. But that was so hard to come by now and if you found it you had to still be wary about it for if it was good there were others after it. And if it was bad well…

Concentrate. who said that? Thomas thought.

Looking around and seeing nothing or nobody, Thomas trudged on but neither the sun or the dust were willing to give up their prey that easily.

Soon later Thomas lay again in the dust but as he drifted of one last time he heard a whispered voice saying again concentrate
And through dust coated eyes as he drifted away did he see someone in the dust?