I was a bit surprised that debugging did not involve any form of magic or paranormal trickery. Great article by @sdee, Thanks for the info! (I’ve learned more from Desktop Tuesdays than I have in ten years of working with computers )
I liked this post! I know the importance of good reproduction steps and whatever information is helpful in bug reports…though I often don’t provide that for you guys >_<
I think my all time “favorite” bug report is “The application is broken”…
Me: Mark it as resolved!
Good writeup @sdee
I had no clue there were only eight of you guys. wow, bravo I must say. and it also explains a lot as well. lol
Excellent article i must say. I will change my format to help out a bit more.
Yeah it’s pretty amazing when you think about it! They definately have a really impressive product and have a corporation presence…at least on here. Granted I haven’t ventured out into the interwebs to see how big they are. But hey Radiant is amazing as i’ve always said!
you should use the bug report template, as @sdee said,
just a thought…
yah I see that. I will use that format from now on.
thanks @Simica_Na, that template was a labor of love ( ) and really does help expedite the bug squashing process…
yah I usually try to add as much information into anything I find. At the moment I am filling out the system information and game infor so I can just have a template on my pc.
Steps to reproduce:
Expected Results:
Actual Results:
Versions and Mods:
Mods: N/A
Version:StoneHearth 0.12.0
Develop:2617 x64 build
System Information:
System: Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Processor:Intel Core i7-4790k CPU @ 4.00GHz
Ram:16.0 GB
is this ok so far?
thats perfect
That’s a great idea @Simica_Na! I’m going to do the same and save a template copy on my 'puter