Bugs found on Alpha 10

Build 2378

Etape A (Start screen)
A - 01 - On startup screen - Click on load Game - Delete all game you have - Click on New Game --> New save file --> Load this file --> New Game without landscape etc…

A - 02 - After bug 01 --> Start on click continue --> bug 01

Etape B (New Game)

B - 03 - If you roll new map and just after you click on the map before the new map show and click on embark --> game bloqued on ‘generating work’

Etape C (Starting setlement) + (UI)

C - 01 Click on x-ray --> Menu Full/flat but all lanscape vanish !
(Click on full or flat do nothing)

C - 02 - Create party with all stony --> Click on defend / attack order and after that disbande --> error :

C - 02 bis --> after bug C-02 if i want to add member (click on add member) :

Etape D (Gaming)

D - 01 - All profession --> Montain 1 item result to 1 or 2 or 3 item crafted.

Continuing tomorrow