Advanced custom building guides?

I have tried to browse around the internet for some tips or guides to making more complicated custom buildings but all the information I gather seems to be very outdated. I was curious if anyone had any reliable sources of guides or tips for working with the building system.

Depends on how you build really, or want to build. I can not offer much, as I fiddle with the system till I understand it. I have only done so a little bit with this new one; which was a few hours today. Building near cliffs is tricky, but they will build it.

One tip to keep in mind that has remained even in the old system is to be sure to help those in need with a ladder when needed. remove said ladder immediately so construction can continue.

example from today’s excursion is when my hearthlings decided to sleep on the construct. One was still asleep and another built around it leaving her in a deep whole. quickly building the ladder, now possible anywhere by anyone, I was able to get her out so they could continue smoothly.

-So keep an eye on construction tasks one building at a time. I don’t start another building unless the current one is complete.
-Use ladders only when necessary.
-Keep in mind the terrain you are build in, on, and around,
-Using the slab tool can be tricky, but it is functional. So keep an eye on which direction you are placing by hold the mouse button down and do not release unless you want what it has laid out.
-The roof tool check boxes are easier to mess with once it is already plopped down. Then these settings with the front, back, left, right become more obvious after you select the roof. So be sure to lay just where you want it to cover.
-If you want to make a foundation before the floor, as for raised housing, built said foundation out of slabs, then lay the room tool. This goes for stilt housing as well, like what you would find in swamps.
-If you plan to overlay the roof over terrain, as in the roof will cross the terrain(when building near cliffside) just mine the bits that cross over the roof.
-If you want to change block of slab you misplaced a few undo things ago, Just select block(s) and on the top for up down or side in the direction you want to adjust. Lower till block is gone. Note I am sure there is another way, but I only tampered with the system today, and use to the old system.
-Make sure you want the windows and doors where you want the before pushing the build button. You can adjust each window, door, and furniture items any time before the button is pushed. Once it is pushed, you can not adjust, far as I know.
-If you want to color the floor or walls in a design, I am assuming you use the paint tool for block by block coloring.
-build from the ground up. Know what you want the foundation, walls and roof to look like in mind. Makes it easier to adjust knowing what you want.
-Make enough room for at least what you plan to put inside the house with enough room to walk around in, or rather the hearthlings to walk around in the very least. Although putting minimum 1 block would be cramped in certain instances; in others if done a certain way the hearthling might not think so unless they have a certain trait.
-Don’t worry about the ladders they build, as it destroys themself after complete.

I could list a few more, but since I mainly know the old system, and the new one I briefly messed with; I’ll just say there probably won’t be too many thorough guides just yet. However some might have certain points still valid. I know some of these might be a bit obvious after a first building made, but is what I could at least offer so far.

Have you ever built in Minecraft? If you imagine you have to put down each block yourself with ladders and things, thst usually helps. I’ve pulled off some fiddly things with the editor but it’s a lot of trial and error and in some cases I’m on building v 20 or something…

(if you have something sp cific you want to do that doesn’t work let me know, there is usually a way around the problem)

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