Map Game Sci-Fi Pre-Game Discussion

In order tokeep the other discussion thread tidy, I wanted to post this one. So go ahead and post what race you will have in the next Sci-Fi themed map game.

This is mine:

Lore: The Lactonians rule over a planet called Exiguuswhich is quite small (About 75% of earth.). They have lived and ruled with a democratic council (this is a different kind of democratic council, in which the Council’s leader which is named The Princeps can make a final and different decision then what was voted for.) for millenia. They have an ancient god (Named Lazoria), in which has said, “Do not venture into the Depths of Wonder (Space) until you have been granted the passage. A sign will come, and you will be directed. You will rule great, far and wide, making many allies, and many enemies.” (So basically when the map game starts, there god will tell them its time to move it or loose it.) Now, even though they have not had any war themselves, Lazoria has warned them a day will come when you will have to defend you world. That is why they have prepared a military.

Name: The Lactonians

Race Name/Desc: Lactonian. A 7 foot tall green creature with 3 arms on both sides and only 2 legs. They have 5 eye balls.

Government: A type of democracy. They have 5 council leaders, all with equal power. (Except for The Princeps which can make any decision as explained above. He is the fifth member.) Considering no other race’s have ever ventured into the planet they all are lactonians, they all believe in the only god that is known to them, and they more or less live in a utopia. That will change when they explore though… However due to this cooperation between Lactonians, they have been able to make high tech weapons and ships.


The Destromilon is a 2km long ship, which carries the other smaller ships, as well as being the HQ for that section of space. It’s role is to be a docking station as well as a battle station. It’s tech is as follows: two pulse beams. One mounted on top of ship, and one on bottom. Powerful kinetic weapons line the side and back of ship as well. It has a 2 tonne EM absorption field, as well as a strong meteorite shield, and electromagnetic absorption field. Also, I should note that no Lactonian ships have breathable air. Lactonians have special ways of staying alive explained in the biology section. This also makes it somewhat hard for people on the Lactonian home planet, because it consists of a lot of bad gases.

The Zaxoren is a smaller 750m ship whose role is transporting cargo across the galaxy. It has only small kinetic weapons, and has only a 1 tonne meteorite shield. It has a powerful hyperdrive, allowing it to zoom through space.

The Lakern is a 30 foot fighter ship, which is rigged with VERY powerful kinetic weapons, and a meteorite shield to go with them. It has a single powerful gamma laser on the front as well. It can carry 10 passengers plus the pilot and copilot.

They have hover tanks for land fighting. They consist of mostly kinetic weaponry as well as a pulse beam. They are also fitted with a meteorite shield and an EM absorption field.

So in other words, there tech is engineering. Very advanced engineering you might say. They also have made other special tech, like automated food growing, with a special gizmo called a time accelerator. Basically you put a room, with a garden in there, and a skylight, as well as water, and a special thing makes your foodgrow faster, so they have never really needed to have hectares full of farmland, there world is mostly cities, to asccompany there large population.

Pop: 19 billion. Which is spread out into more or less a giant city that sprawls over the planet.

Biology: An average Lactonian adult measures 7ft in height and way about 200ish pounds. They have 3 arms on each side. They have a dark blue complexion. They have 5 eyeballs on there face. They only take 2 years to reach full adulthood and have a life expectancy of about 100 years. That is why the population is so large. They also breed semi-fast. There internals are laid out like this. The have a mouth, which you put food in, and the food goes down the throat to the stomach where there food is used in two different ways. First, the protein and nutrients go to there body to be used in the production of energy and nutrients and such, but the excess food is used in a process called Larcramonation. During this process, the left over food particles are converted into oxygen. This oxygen is used to give energy throuout the body in the blood stream. That is why they do not need oxygen in the air. Therefore there mouths are used for eating and talking only. Talking is achieved not by air moving passed chords like humans, but instead from gases inside them releasing through there chords. Also, Lactonians do not go to the bathroom, because all materials they eat is used up during Larcramonation.

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Oh dear Lord… Not another one.


yea, not that the other one is ended, its just some place for people to post there future stuff.

Stop! Dont, that one is @Teleros world thread where we will get the lore, lets keep this one with all the player lore and such.

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Race known as The Starved no known history is known by the other races and anyone that might have found their home world has not been able to tell anyone about it. The Starved are only known to be savage and blood thirsty pirates that few have survived after being attacked. Some say they have gone mad from traveling space the length of time they had without any kind of warp drive which brings the saying that space causes a man to go mad from the vast silence and ones own mind to keep them company. No one knows how they manage to survive their journeys or how long they might be able to live or reproduce or what type of species they really are they are only know to be The Starved.

folks… honestly, do we need yet another “map discussion” thread? the existing discussions already dominate the top of the discourse… sighs


Kill it with fire. …


Maybe we should make it into a pm thread instead? But that would make it hard for people to sign up for it… hmmmm

Yes, yes we do…

Here is a semi relevant map of the galaxy that @Teleros created for his univers but we wont be a big player in it

We will reside in the Crisis zone, north west betwen the yelloe, green and blue factions.

No, but I’m afraid this is my fault - I’ve been planning another one for when the current one ends (whenever that is - as you can probably see, it’s a little active :laughing: ), and of course people want to know more & are getting impatient :stuck_out_tongue: .

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I’ll always be impatient :3 on another note the scifi map looks good

My race, the Great Wolves (A translation)

Lore: The Great Wolves live on Eye Of The Hunter (It is a rough translation). Eye Of The Hunter is a planet of fire and ice and has some of the most deadly and turbulent worlds that support life. Eye Of The Hunter follows an elliptical orbit around its pale sun, called the [insert name here], that takes around two Earth standard years to complete. This period of time is known as a “Great Year” to the inhabitants of Eye Of The Hunter.

For much of each long year the world is remote from even it’s feeble star, and its surface is incredibly cold. The oceans freeze over as Eye Of The Hunter draws away from its sun, and at its farthest point even the equatorial seas are covered with ice. The volcanic activity of the bleak mountains that punctuate the waters are stilled so that at the height of the long winter you can walk between the many isles upon which the inhabitants of Eye Of The Hunter dwell.

Towards the end of the Great Year, as the planet comes close to its sun once more, the sun swells in the sky and the brief spring warms the surface. During this time, the ice retreats to the world’s poles and the gargantuan dwellers of the deep waters emerge to enjoy the bounty of a sun-spawned type of plankton, fish and other short-lived aquatic fauna. As Eye Of The Hunter reaches the point at which it is closest to its sun, the passage of the planet near the star produces tidal forces that break and twist the sub-oceanic crust, exposing it’s molten mantle to the frigid waters. It is then that the time of fire and water has arrived.

With explosive violence the world is torn asunder. Blazing islands rise from the steaming sea spewing flames, with lava pouring down their slopes. Below the surface, the waters boil into steam that engulfs Eye Of The Hunter with its sulphurous fumes. Great tidal waves scour the coastlines of the islands and continents. Islands created in the upheavals of preceding years are cast into turmoil by this global transformation. Some endure, but many are broken apart or swallowed by the seas, engulfed in the churning waters and casting their unlucky inhabitants into the deeps.

This extreme geography has resulted in the population of Eye Of The Hunter becoming composed largely of primitive, nomadic, pre-industrial barbarian tribes. The tribes constantly seek secure territory, and as a result wars over land and power between rival tribes are common. The inhabitants of Eye Of Hunter breed huge litters before this time causing massive wars to break out between the Mother, Daughters, Granddaughters and Great-Granddaughters over both power and land. Only one continent has never fallen into the turbulent seas, The Everland, Here the Great Wolves live, Those who have proven themselves worthy and joined the ranks of those who have reached the Great Sea Of Stars.

Race Description: Great Wolves can grow to 7 or 9 feet. The largest being the legendary Alpha Male, Russ, Who is 12 feet tall. The Great Wolves have most of the genetic enhancements of a Space Marine from the Warhammer 40K universe due to a genetics arms race between the Wolf People of Eye Of The Hunter and the rest of the fauna who are just as deadly, Great Wolves are believed to be immortal but due to the wars that are often on Eye Of The Hunter, They often die around the ages of 200 to 400 Earth standard years. Russ has lived for 1000 years and has not showed any signs of getting old.

Government: The Great Wolves and the other Wolf Tribes are ruled by a matriarchy composed of the oldest and most cunning females in each pack, and males are scorned. The only male who is equal to a mother (The equivalent of a king or queen in medieval governance) is Russ, The Alpha Male. The Great Wolf population has never exceeded 250,000.

Tech: The Great Wolves have most tech that the Space Wolves have access to but they have never left beyond their solar system as their Solar System is extremely far away from any others but they have built settled mining colonies in the Eye Of The Hunter’s ring system, The mines are inhabited with the wolf people of the barbarian tribes and not the Great Wolves. The military Fleet of the Great Wolves is 30 ships strong (Excluding fighters, dropships etc.) and crewed by the Wolf people of the barbarian tribes.

The Great Wolves main home is the Fang (Essentially the Fang of the Space Wolves.)

Bit big, I may edit it in future

Just to honestly help you along.

We are all in the same area in a galaxy, you can spread to your solar system at the start of the game but not further then that so you might whant to change this

Into something ells.

Other then that i don’t see anything that i could point out as incorrect based on what @teleros have told me and i have to say that the lore sure sound interesting :wink:

Also i will not be a GM so see you among the stars :wink:

I would like it but i am out of likes for 8 more hours.

Whoops. I meant to say Solar System where it says Galaxy.

Hmm. Yeah, totally not a clone of Fenris, no sirree :laughing: .

But seriously, just wait! There’s a whole bunch of stuff that’ll impact your race(s) that you don’t know yet, from tech stuff (to use @Nicedude80’s post as an example, automated food growing is a standard starting tech), to population stuff (250,000 people? The plan is to start with a few billions), etc.

Just be patient, play the current game, and in the fullness of time, at the appropriate juncture, when the stars align and the Great Old Ones call forth… well, then there will be a positive cornucopia of useful info, ok :slight_smile: ?

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Since my guys are all basically Space Marines and such I thought that I should have low numbers, Also the lower barbaric Wolf kind will probably make up for that as they produce massively due to their litters and are only slighter better than the average human (They did evolve on an extremely hostile world). I limited my Control to one galaxy, again because I feared I might be a bit OP.

I always get worried that some one will do a Wolf Race before me or something. So I just want to have this here.

Yeah I wouldn’t worry too much about that. Everyone can run around in power armour and such if they want :slight_smile: .

Galaxy = Milky Way, home to a few hundred billion stars.
Solar system = star with planets orbiting it :slight_smile: .

Fair enough.



But do they have Terminator Armour or Bolters? Or any such?

Terminators would be rather low tec by my understanding.