Map game of thrones [Forum Game]

So guys we have G.O.T to have this i know some people like the A song of ice and fire series either books or the series (personally I’ve only read the books) and some of you (less) are fans of the map game so i thought it is the ultimate mongrel map game. You can be anywhere in the George R. R. Martin’s world heres a picture

anywhere sothoryos the summer islands ulthos slavers bay some dothraki tribe yi ti beyond the wall drone all of westerns all of essos BUT just saying if you settle in valyria you’ll just die out.

So how do you sign up i guess your asking well

you do this

player name: @_____

House: e.g. Starks (you can rename but you have to do that on the end of your turn)

Colour: whatever you want unless if it has been taken

then do your military diplomacy and cultural( @phoriist i shall never turn to administration) and if there is anything you want to ask just ask me

Every turn is a month battles will be done in the same way as @phoriist has done it i want to try to be organised on the statistics there will be a what kind of cultural you’ve done so if there is anything you want just ask or i need to say. ill soon say if some houses will have bonuses/ cultures no gunpowder as well. but R’hllor and religion can be used as a weapon

@phoriist how do you do your magical maps

Here the link for the stats

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do we really, really… really need yet another forum game? and a map game, at that? :rage2:

casually walks away…


Player Name: @Gridnick

House: Norvos

Colour: Dark brown

Military: research better river boats and better tactics for the ships
Cultural: Illegalise slavery and make some city lore about the giant turtle

Diplomacy: send trade and an alliance to Qohor and protection from the Dothraki hoards

yeah we do need another map game it is G.O.T. come on don’t you like game of thrones @SteveAdamo


MORE ,forum games


House: Braavos

Colour: Indigo

Military: Work on making an excellent Navy

Cultural: Increase Shellfish-fishing(what a mothfull!) and make the Iron Bank of Braavos stronger

Diplomacy: Tell all in Debt of the Iron Bank of Braavos to send a shipment their local luxuary to Braavos or feel the Iron Fist of Braavos come down on them

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@dwarf mate say give them the money that they are in debt or they feel the might of the iron fist of Braavos


Republic of The Lotus.

Location: Lotus Port

Color: Purple (yeah i have a obsession whit purple, DEAL WHIT IT!)

Military: Makes a navy that can be converted to warships and trade ships at will meaning that they are heavily armed trade ships whit a slightly smaller cargo hold to make it faster and better at defending itself.

Cultural: Boost wine production.

Diplomacy: Begin to negotiate trade whit Sunspear, Oldtown, Lys and Volantis.


United Ibben Islands

Color: Dark Red

Military: Reinforce the large hulls of the whaling ships allowing for large, heavily armored, storage area, and ramming. Increase production of axes and spears.

Diplomatic: Make three Thane’s that shall rule under me as Generals, Chieftain’s, and town rulers.

Culture: Send out trade ships in search of furs, Valyrian steel (enough for me and my thanes), and steel. Also increase farming of large, furry, and hardy animals.

I’ve unleashed a beast…

The Map Game Beast that is.

Taken from Journal of a Jamestown Sheriff

September 14th, 1814

Aye, it happened again this year. Quite the event. It took at least 4 weeks to peter off, and a few more at that. I remember my grandfather tell me a story of his father, who was also a sheriff. The townspeople in Britain then had a Map Game event like this, in which they drew out a whole map of Europe and began to stake claims. Disrupted everything in the town for several weeks, with almost everyone yollerin’ out who was attacking whom. Some crazy dog lover starting killing a kid they nicknamed Ret.

The Map Game beast, from my conclusions, affects some random place every century.

The affects of the beast…

'Twas unnatural, I tell you.

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But it 'twas a man who made the monster, and now man shall pay the price

I might have to make a religion in tthe name of swift cube, the destroyer of maps XD

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Echoing @SteveAdamo here, is it really necessary to have two of these?

With the discussion thread that means we have 4 threads bumping to the top about just the map games …

Ok it’s because it’s game of thrones @Geoffers747



Realm: Assahai
Colour: Cyan
Military: MAGIC!!! Reaserch MAGIC!!!
diplomacy: send diplomats to norvos to establish a strong connection. If successful continue to Braavos for same reason.
Administration: create schools to teach youngers. Witchcraft and wizardry.

Where is Assahai? And you cant do magic untill the dragons return.

He can asshai isinthe Southern Eastern corner of the map and asshai is magical goon the awoiaf wiki

Ah, found it! But all real magick comes from the dragon and when the last aegons dragons died the magick of the world began to lose its power to eventualy go almost extinct until the mother of dragons put the eggs in the fire.

A mangy the name of @Gridnick thought he could be the magister of norvos. Though stupidly he banned slavery and made some lore about the old man of the river (a huge horned turtle who patrols the Rhoyne and it’s tributaries) noticing his mistakes of making slavery illegal he made better river ships and rivers ship tactics to protect himself from volantis. He went on a vacation to Qohor and saw the magics of smithing there, knowing he might get a reformed valyrian steel blade he becomes good friends with Qohor

+5 damage on river battles 
-2 damage on open sea battles

+1 happiness
-3 production
Allies with Qohor
Disliking from the dothraki
-200 soldiers
+1 gold

A man killed the sea lord of braavos and said he was the actual sea lord. This man’s name was @dwarf. Thinking royal purple was not royal he changed the royal colour to indigo. He started making more of a navy even though he had quite a big and good one already. He started calling the iron bank wusses until they would become stronger. So they made their banks made of iron. He wanted a lot of money to fund his luxurious lifestyle so he said anyone who doesn’t pay their depts will feel the iron fist of braavos. And I forgot he made more fishermen.

   +5 ships
   +3 attack and defense to ships
   +4 food
   +0.5 defense
  +15 gold
  -diplomatic relations with most people

Jalabhar Xho changed his name into @Elderon and cam back and took back the summer islands. He made his navy into converting ships. Finding out how good arbor wine is he starts to think to himself what a wonderful. Wine this is I must copy it. He also. Sends ships to multiple areas such as volantis lys sun spear old town and more.

   +5 ships 
   +6 gold
   +2 happiness 
   Better relations with the cities I named above 

A whaler from ibben woke up from a dream. In that dream he was a king of a country called Iceland. Driven by these ambitions he became king of Ibben and the whalers. He makes his whaling ships thicker better slower stronger yeah you know where I’m a heading. Seeing he was too self assured he made three thanes to rule with him . Thinking about it he thought maybe axes and spears could be weapons. Thinking this he makes them weapons. He thinks he can get valyrian steel face palms and furs so he sends trade ships in vain not thinking about where to send them. And to make it possible to get furs for free he makes farms for whales and some big brown bears

+5 defense to ships
+4 weapon damage
+1.5 production
+fraud valyrian steel
+1 gold

A wizard called the @theATCguy became the best at wizardry in the whole of asshai. He makes better magic. He makes youngsters to magic and he sends a trade ships to the free cities of norvos and braavos. Which won’t get there for a while

   +5 magic skills
   +5 teaching youngsters complicated stuff  
   +1.5 production rate
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Ibben’s turn-

Diplomatic: Begin to try and trade whale parts with the wildlings for furs and raiding tactics.
Military:Begin to make lots of “layered fur armor” which is good against slash attacks. Use fraud Valyrian Steel to make a crown. Begin to implement raiding tactics.
Culture: Begin to cultivate mammoths (MWAHAHA yes I do have these). Make today a “We Love The Jarl” day, it’s like a festival of mead. (+happiness)

The People of Braavos have voted and our official colour is now a dark, metallic cobalt blue

Administration : travel across mountain passes to a place aligned with Gulltown,but to the NORTH,completely out of the way of Andalos ,shelters on either side by mountains, and set up a small town there with trade boats and plenty of Fishermen

Diplomacy:See if I can meet up with @TheATCguy and trade MONEY for some eastern stuff

Military: Set up academies to train Water Dancers