Live Stream Question Bank v1

hey folks! everyone loves the live streams, right? :smile:

while @Geoffers747 and i have no advanced knowledge of when they will occur, or what the subject matter might be, we do know where @Tom hides the oreo cookies that being prepared goes a long way towards having a productive session with the team…

with that in mind, it seems fitting to have a question bank pre-populated with any and all questions that the community has about Stonehearth… and while it’s true that topical questions are best, it makes sense to have and collect a broad array of questions now…

so please, submit any questions you have in regards to the game… stay on point however, as questions regarding their dietary preferences will (most likely) be deleted… :wink:

with any luck, this thread can be used as a reference during the upcoming streams, and/or questions can be pulled and submitted in the event we have a more moderated format in the future…

feel free to “like” questions you are curious about as well, and we’ll try to keep the thread updated with whether a particular question has been answered or not, and link to the corresponding answer (either in the Q&A or the Announced Features thread)…

go on, ask away! let’s get a comprehensive list of questions going here folks… :+1:

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