Deutsche Übersetzung 1.1 + sehr viele Modübersetzungen

Also nur gut wenn neu anfangen? Seh langsam nicht mehr durch. Möcht auch mal eine Videoreihe weiterbringen als nur bis zur 5. Folge xD

Nope kannst ruhig weitermachen ^^ sind keine wichtigen änderungen passiert xD nur ein paar übersetzungen verbessert :wink:

Hey, wollte auch mal bei der Übersetzung mitmischen :wink:
Wollte mal fragen was ich so für Files brauche und wie das funktioniert :blush:

Also Mitmischen ist nur noch in der Art von Vorschlägen und Fehlersuchen ^^ Da ich schon alles übersetzt habe und auch alleine warte :wink:

Aber dank dir für das Angebot :smiley: Besonders die Fehlersuche ist bei uns Lanzeitspielern sehr verfahren ^^ Da wir nicht mehr genau hinschauen und vieles übersehen xD

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sooo bin bei 30% - brauch also noch etwas zeit ^^ nebenbei helfe ich auch unseren neulingen :wink:

edit: schluss für heute bei fast 50%

sooo um die sache zu beschleunigen - hier mal eine kleine list an neuen träumen was übersetzt werden muss ^^

                  "013": "I dreamed that I was at the mercy of a sickness that turned me into a Zombie. The worst part: I could only walk very very slowly.",
                 "014": "Last night I dreamed I was stranded in a hole all night and no one would build a ladder for me to climb up.",
                 "015": "I dreamed that all the animals plotted against us and took over the town.",
                 "017": "I dreamed that a giant man-bunny threatened me with a spear!",
                 "018": "I dreamed I found a mighty hammer that only I could lift.",
                 "019": "I dreamed I was a vegetable and I planted myself so I can grow taller.",
                 "020": "In my dream last night, I told everyone carrots made them see in the dark. This morning, we ran out of carrots. Weird!",
                 "021": "I dreamed that I was no longer tethered to this realm, and I drifted from plane to plane.",
                 "022": "I had a dream that people buried me and made me into a tree.",
                 "025": "I dreamed that one of the ancient trees came alive and attacked our town! It was horrible.",
                 "026": "I dreamed about a time where houses didn't have roofs. It was very cold.",
                 "027": "I dreamed that I walked across a vast treeless plain and all I could hear was the sounds of the wind in my ears. Bones of some large horned animal dotted the landscape. I felt so alone.",
                 "028": "I dreamed that I could walk underwater without holding my breath.",
                 "029": "I dreamed I was stuck in a maze. I had to run through it with the others.",
                 "031": "I dreamed I discovered my magical powers, and I saved my fellow Hearthlings from certain annihilation.",
                 "032": "I dreamed I was a hero with a poyo partner. We defeat the goblins and become famous!",
                 "033": "I dreamed of defending the town from a horde of angry farm animals.",
                 "034": "I dreamed I met a poyo that could talk. It kept saying its name was BuckBuck.",
                 "035": "I had a dream where I found an ancient sword in a deep crypt. When I reached out to touch it, it faded away and a mournful bell sounded. All went dark.",
                 "036": "I had a dream that a wizard came to my door and asked me to join them on a journey! ",
                 "037": "I had a dream that I was next in line to become a farmer.",
                 "038": "I dreamed a giant pumpkin was rolling toward me and I couldn't move.",
                 "040": "I dreamed we lived in a giant castle and I needed to clean it. I prefer to live in the woods!",
                 "042": "I dreamed I encountered a were-sheep. It didn't end well.",
                 "044": "I dreamed about a land that was lower than the sea yet it was still dry.",
                 "045": "I dreamed of meeting nomads who spoke a foreign tongue. I couldn't understand a word they said.",
                 "047": "I dreamed that I battered some poyo meat and put it in oil. Poyo nuggets they called it!",
                 "048": "I dreamed that cloth could be a color other than blue",
                 "049": "I had a dream where the traders were really bandits! We lost everything.",
                 "050": "I dreamed I was being chased by a herd of stampeding mammoths.",
                 "051": "I dreamed I was surrounded by food of all kinds, and I never had to move.",
                 "052": "I dreamed I was the first Hearthling step onto the moon. It was a small step.",
                 "053": "I dreamed the sheep made wonderful music, with dancing lights in the air. We partied all night.",
                 "057": "I dreamed it was dangerous to go into the woods alone. I'd better take a sword.",
                 "058": "I once dreamed I held a magnificent sword. Though once I firmly grasped it's handle, it turned to sand.",
                 "061": "I dreamed about a man with a box who could travel in time and space. It was bigger on the inside.",
                 "063": "I dreamed everywhere I went, a little goblin followed me. When I turned around to catch him he darted off into the trees.",
                 "064": "I had a dream where there were eggs all over the ground and I had to step ever so carefully around them.",
                 "067": "I dreamed of creatures of immeasurable power surrounding us. They were actually poyo.",
                 "069": "I dreamed that we fried up strips of fatty, salted meat from a tusked animal we hunted in the forest. It was the most delicious thing I ever ate! I think I'll call it ... \"bacon\".",
                 "070": "I dreamed I had a pretty little poyo whom I loved very much. I made it a little bonnet to wear on its head!",
                 "071": "I had a dream in which ground shook and rumbled. The earth swallowed all our poyo.",
                 "072": "I dreamed a squirrel chopped our house down to build its tree.",
                 "073": "I had a dream in which a mighty warrior taught us how to shoot people in the knees with arrows.",
                 "075": "I had a dream in which goblins were attacking our town, but all our weapons were replaced with corn, and our armor was made of feathers sewn together.",
                 "076": "I had a dream in which all we could grow out of the ground were swords. We sold the swords in order to buy food.",
                 "077": "I had a dream where I was chewing grass in the sheep pen, yet I was still a human.",
                 "078": "I had a dream in which the dwarves were hoarding our socks.",
                 "079": "I had a dream in which I thought I was a Poyo. I woke up outside the coop. Hm.",
                 "082": "In my dream from last night, all the jerky in the stockpile became a monster. It was a jerk to everyone.",
                 "083": "I had a dream in which I was able to make flour at a cauldron by weaving my hand together as if though I were knitting.",
                 "084": "I had a dream in which we had to import all our corn from some far-flung and distant land.",
                 "085": "I had a dream I was a wolf hunting Poyo's! When I awoke I had a feather in my mouth. Weird!",
                 "087": "I had a dream about a magic bean that could be brewed into a potion, known as coffee, and had the ability to, seemingly, raise the dead back to life.",
                 "088": "I had the craziest dream! There was a man, who was able to raise magma out of the earth! That's not possible, right!?",
                 "089": "I had a dream where everything was made of paper and wood! We had to use sticks to prop ourselves up.",
                 "090": "I had a dream in which a sheep bit me, and turned me into a sheep! But I could still talk. It was weird.",
                 "091": "I had a dream in which I was tiny, and a portly man said he was going to \"Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!\" Although I awoke before anything else could happen, I assumed he was talking about me.",
                 "093": "I had a dream where the tree I was chopping trasformed into a giant and attacked me!",
                 "094": "I had a dream where I was bullying a poyo and then a swarm of poyo's started attacking me! ... I am now a changed Hearthling",
                 "095": "I had a dream, in which I was peacefully dosing off. The version of myself in that dream was also having a dream about me peacefully dosing off. This went on and on until I woke up.",
                 "096": "I had a dream where I ate so much food I literally transformed into a planet.",
                 "teacher": {
                    "000": "I dreamed I came upon [str(entry.teacher)] herding rabbits towards a cave.",
                    "001": "I had a dream that [str(entry.teacher)] spoke to me through a plushie toy rabbit?! I think I need to stop eating these berries."

wenn ihr was übersetzt habt einfach her damit - ich werde inzwischen weitere meinen armen finger mit c&p zerstören ^^

soooo ich mach für heute schluss zeile 3358 von 5767 … sry leute mir fallen die Augen zu und die Finger schmerzen ^^

Bitte beachtet das die Sachen in den klammern so bleiben müssen - da diese dann je nachdem mit Objekten ersetzt werden

Hey Ich versuche nun mit dem neuen Lokalisations Feature das Spiel zu übersetzen aber die Felder sind bei mir dann im Spiel leer.

Weist du schon was damit los ist?

Ich habe supported_languages.json editiert und eine de.json erstellt.

also ich weiß nicht genau was du meinst mit sind dann leer ^^ wird nichts angezeigt - wenn ja dann hast du die supported falsch bearbeitet - wenn du aber die stringnamen siehst - dann ist die de.json defekt ^^

hier für deinen test einmal beide files - aber wie oben geschrieben da fehlen noch ein paar zeilen ^^ (60.5 KB)

am besten helft ihr mir, wenn ihr die sachen oben übersetzt, während ich die alten zeilen ersetze und das neue übersetze. ^^

edit: 2std später zeile 4013 - so nun ist aber schluss bis heute abend - !Tochter ist angesagt!

kleines update: 4std gewerkelt und bin nun zeile 4985 von 5767 ^^ ich hoffe ihr arbeitet auch schon fleißig, sodass ihr mir morgen was geben könnt ^^ ansonsten werde ich es morgen nicht fertig bekommen ^^

so guten morgen werkeln fertig - jetzt hab ich nur noch 2 größere sachen vor mir den steinmetz und den weber^^

soooo hab wieder mehr gemacht als ich wollte ^^ nun fehlen nur noch die träume ^^

die hoffnung stirbt zuletzt: hier eine aktualisierte liste der fehlenden

                 "044": "I dreamed about a land that was lower than the sea yet it was still dry.",
                 "045": "I dreamed of meeting nomads who spoke a foreign tongue. I couldn't understand a word they said.",
                 "047": "I dreamed that I battered some poyo meat and put it in oil. Poyo nuggets they called it!",
                 "048": "I dreamed that cloth could be a color other than blue",
                 "049": "I had a dream where the traders were really bandits! We lost everything.",
                 "050": "I dreamed I was being chased by a herd of stampeding mammoths.",
                 "051": "I dreamed I was surrounded by food of all kinds, and I never had to move.",
                 "052": "I dreamed I was the first Hearthling step onto the moon. It was a small step.",
                 "053": "I dreamed the sheep made wonderful music, with dancing lights in the air. We partied all night.",
                 "057": "I dreamed it was dangerous to go into the woods alone. I'd better take a sword.",
                 "058": "I once dreamed I held a magnificent sword. Though once I firmly grasped it's handle, it turned to sand.",
                 "061": "I dreamed about a man with a box who could travel in time and space. It was bigger on the inside.",
                 "063": "I dreamed everywhere I went, a little goblin followed me. When I turned around to catch him he darted off into the trees.",
                 "064": "I had a dream where there were eggs all over the ground and I had to step ever so carefully around them.",
                 "067": "I dreamed of creatures of immeasurable power surrounding us. They were actually poyo.",
                 "069": "I dreamed that we fried up strips of fatty, salted meat from a tusked animal we hunted in the forest. It was the most delicious thing I ever ate! I think I'll call it ... "bacon".",
                 "070": "I dreamed I had a pretty little poyo whom I loved very much. I made it a little bonnet to wear on its head!",
                 "071": "I had a dream in which ground shook and rumbled. The earth swallowed all our poyo.",
                 "072": "I dreamed a squirrel chopped our house down to build its tree.",
                 "073": "I had a dream in which a mighty warrior taught us how to shoot people in the knees with arrows.",
                 "075": "I had a dream in which goblins were attacking our town, but all our weapons were replaced with corn, and our armor was made of feathers sewn together.",
                 "076": "I had a dream in which all we could grow out of the ground were swords. We sold the swords in order to buy food.",
                 "077": "I had a dream where I was chewing grass in the sheep pen, yet I was still a human.",
                 "079": "I had a dream in which I thought I was a Poyo. I woke up outside the coop. Hm.",
                 "082": "In my dream from last night, all the jerky in the stockpile became a monster. It was a jerk to everyone.",
                 "083": "I had a dream in which I was able to make flour at a cauldron by weaving my hand together as if though I were knitting.",
                 "084": "I had a dream in which we had to import all our corn from some far-flung and distant land.",
                 "085": "I had a dream I was a wolf hunting Poyo's! When I awoke I had a feather in my mouth. Weird!",
                 "086": "Ich hatte einen Traum von einer Stadt aus Gold! ",
                 "087": "I had a dream about a magic bean that could be brewed into a potion, known as coffee, and had the ability to, seemingly, raise the dead back to life.",
                 "088": "I had the craziest dream! There was a man, who was able to raise magma out of the earth! That's not possible, right!?",
                 "089": "I had a dream where everything was made of paper and wood! We had to use sticks to prop ourselves up.",
                 "090": "I had a dream in which a sheep bit me, and turned me into a sheep! But I could still talk. It was weird.",
                 "091": "I had a dream in which I was tiny, and a portly man said he was going to "Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!" Although I awoke before anything else could happen, I assumed he was talking about me.",
                 "093": "I had a dream where the tree I was chopping trasformed into a giant and attacked me!",
                 "094": "I had a dream where I was bullying a poyo and then a swarm of poyo's started attacking me! ... I am now a changed Hearthling",
                 "095": "I had a dream, in which I was peacefully dosing off. The version of myself in that dream was also having a dream about me peacefully dosing off. This went on and on until I woke up.",
                 "096": "I had a dream where I ate so much food I literally transformed into a planet.",
                 "teacher": {
                    "000": "I dreamed I came upon [str(entry.teacher)] herding rabbits towards a cave.",
                    "001": "I had a dream that [str(entry.teacher)] spoke to me through a plushie toy rabbit?! I think I need to stop eating these berries."

edit: naja war zu erwarten^^ so nun sind es nur noch 16 zeilen

ICHHH HAABBEEE KKEEEKKKSSEEE!!! Ach nee ich habe Fertig!

Wie immer: Viele Hilfsangebote, viele Zusagen aber am Ende macht keiner was -.- Kurzum ich habe es wieder vollständig alleine gemacht und um die 5700 Zeilen bearbeitet.


Jetzt hab ich schlechtes Gewissen… Ich war die letzte Woche nicht einmal hier. Und gerade da hätte ich helfen können… Tut mir leid.

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Dedimm! Wie zu erwarten war - ist mir ein kleiner Fehler unterlaufen, sodass man keinen Schnellstart machen konnte - hab es gefixt und gerade hochgeladen

Lalalala habt ihr bemerkt das die UI nicht passt? Nein? Ich schon! Kurzum da war leider ein s zuviel bei einem Ordnernamen und schwupps ging es nicht mehr ^^

Fix wurde gerade hochgeladen ^^

Tag wohl, ich bin ganz neu bei Stonehearth (gestern Abend erst über Steam gekauft). Als erstes wollte ich natürlich schauen, ob es eine deutsche Übersetzungs Mod bereits gibt, was ja der Fall zu sein scheint :wink: Leider war es bei mir nicht möglich, die Mod zum laufen zu bringen. Könnte es mit deinem letzten Beitrag zusammenhängen Wiese2007? Ich werde es auf jeden Fall heute Abend nochmals probieren.

Auf jeden Fall finde ich es extrem klasse, dass sich jemand die Mühe macht, in seiner Freizeit ein ganzes Spiel zu übersetzen. Vielen herzlichen Dank schonmal dafür (ungeachtet der Frage, ob ich das Mod zum laufen bringe oder nicht) an Wiese2007 und alle anderen Beteiligten.



Uiii da freut sich das Herz xD Gerne mehr xD Werde heute Abend gegen 22.30 nochmals nachschauen :wink:

Bitte beachten das das aktuelle Alpha12 für die unstable ist und Alpha11 für die stable :wink: Also wenn du nicht latest unter beta aktiviert hast bitte alpha11 nehmen und in die stonehearth.smod kopieren (hierzu einfach mal die Endung in zip umändern reinkopieren und zurück auf smod)

Soo hab das Update für 2609 hochgeladen ^^ hatte ich anscheinend heute früh nicht mehr geschafft xD Soo werde nun in de falle machen muss wieder 6 aufstehen und zur arbeit xD n8i @ll

EDIT: Mir wurde gerade ein Titel verliehen :wink: Na Leute und wie steht der mir? ^^

Okay, sowas in der Art habe ich mir schon gedacht mit der Alpha 12. Aber als ich gemerkt habe, dass der Link zum Download der Alpha 11 nicht funktioniert, sprich nur aus einem leeren a-Tag besteht, dachte ich dass die 12er Version vielleicht doch geht. Wo krieg ich denn die Version 11 noch her? :wink:

