FAQ About Team Radiant's Second Project

I know when only Stonehearth was revealed, the Radiant website wasn’t needed very much, but it may be time to finally update it.


I mean, I can see why it doesn’t mention Rising Thunder quite yet - I’m sure you’re all busy with the reveal as well as day-to-day development, so I’ll give you a little more time there. But there have been a lot more people at Radiant than just @Tom and @Ponder for a while now.

Also, is there any further update on Radiantland Theme Park? There could be at least two sections now! :yum:


the radiant website indeed needs an update, perhaps even a new main page background done by Allie?


I’m no fighting game community expert, but between Tom, Tony, Seth, and Brad, I suspect that news about Rising Thunder has been distributed in such a way that the genre experts most likely to be interested in an early alpha will discover it.

In the meantime, we respect the fact that most people interested in Stonehearth probably aren’t looking for news about another game in a totally different field. :wink: If you see anyone who is sufficiently concerned about Rising Thunder’s impact on Stonehearth but who has not yet found their way to this thread, please gently redirect them here.


-cough- resident fighting game junky -cough-


actually, i think the timing was probably pretty perfect, for those who run in the fighting gaming circles, as it was announced at EVO, arguably one of the largest fighting/esports events in the world… :smile:

perhaps some “cross branding” or more fanfare was in order… or perhaps its in the works? regardless, I think, as @sdee mentioned, those who follow this genre are likely getting the right amount of info for a new IP… :+1:

fun fact:

Tony pioneered latency-hiding techniques for peer-to-peer online games. His technology, licensed under the name “GGPO,” is used in many of today’s fighting games.


There’s plenty of people. You can just look at those Rising Thunder videos, they allready have more than a third dislike ratio. I think the least you can do is link this thread in the video description. Although i think an official announcement video on the channel explaining everything would be even better.

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Linux on this one? If not I’ll just be disappointed.

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Congrats on you guys!! That’s really neat-o that you can accomplish such a task! I’m sure Rising Thunder is going to be a really great game knowing how you guys have been with Stonehearth.

As a sibling of a hardcore fighter gamer i’m actually looking forward to seeing this game and trying it out. The article I read made it seem like less of a memorize all these moves and sequences and figure them out after X months of practicing against a dummy and more of a sit down and mash some buttons for epic fun!

Really hope this game becomes a way for me to finally beat my brother at a fighting game :wink:

Ahhh I remember the days when I would get so frustraited with crouch blocking an… goes into memory/dream sequence


This is really exciting news! WTG Team Radiant!!!

Will there be a signup form or something to get in on the Alpha?

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right here, http://www.risingthunder.com/


I suddenly want a Team Stonehearth T-Shirt.


Not that I doubt your word, but realistically, Tom and Tony will be involved in the Rising Thunder project in various ways, even if Seth Killian is lead on it it’s still a Radiant game using GGPO. I wouldn’t expect the Cannon bros to be stretched thin by this and significantly impact development on Stonehearth, but there’s going to be at least a bit of time devoted to Rising Thunder.

Anyway, congrats on the new game. I’m not interested in it at all, but I hope it’s successful for you guys, and I appreciate the philosophy that’s going into it’s controls.


Rising Thunder has already been in development for the last eighteen months. With any luck, you should notice no difference between SH development speed from last month, as compared to next month.


I’m sure bigger nerds than me will go back and look at all the dev blogs where it was mentioned somebody was out of the office and such, and speculate on Rising Thunder already affecting Stonehearth development these past 18 months :wink:

Again, I’m not complaining, and I have been consistently impressed by Radiant’s work. It probably shouldn’t surprise anyone that I hear other indie developers hold Radiant in very high esteem, aspiring to Radiant’s professionalism in both development pace and community engagement. This is my favorite indie game development company and I’m not worried at all by the announcement of a second game. You guys clearly have the focus and capability to make it work.


Congrats on the new project!!!

Sounds like a cool game. Maybe I’ll go grab a copy when it comes out. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


You will hear by be Called Team Stonehearth and Team Rising Thunder (well for me).
I need too draw the line and I will firmly be supporting Team Stonehearth! Sorry Team Rising Thunder, just never got into the fighting games like that.

I am kidding though about the support, Fighting games may not be my cup-o-tea but Team Radiant deserves it no matter what projects they have going. So Congrats on the Fighting game project, hope it lives long!!!

Again, just kidding about the support thing :stuck_out_tongue: I hope you all grow enough you can buy your own complex(es). GL to Team Rising Thunder!


I really wish you all luck and success with the game. Cant wait to play it:D


Congrats guys, that’s cool!

I’d really like to point out how much I appreciate you not taking time/resources away from Stonehearth. Especially Tom and Tony focusing on Stonehearth even though there’s a new shiny game the company is working on. It really concretes the image you guys have of caring about your backers and customers and really being a role model for indie developers.

Also it shows you guys love and care about Stonehearth as much as us :smiley:


hopefully it’s ok for me to blather about RT now … I’m stuck on my phone at the moment, but I did want to mention how impressed I am with the game so far…

beautiful visuals, interesting characters and some solid fighting mechanics … this isn’t my genre, but I think fans of fighting games will find RT very entertaining, especially once the ranked play gets a few more refinements …

so far, it’s off to a great start! :+1:


if you say you aren’t a fan of fighting games you should still check out rising thunder. they are making the game to be more accessible for non fighting game players. they are taking out the technical and execution requirements so it will be all head games. (also its free) so you should seriously give it a try!
(also thank you tony for ggpo)