Aviex's Creations

So I got a start of a 'standard weapon set’
Basically all steel weapons at the moment.
The special weapons will be rare drops from special mobs (possibly a Dragon I have gathering dust in a folder @8BitCrab ;))


Monsters and Dragons, Oh My!

Got a new target to beat up.

Finished rigging him and set up an Idle pose for now.


So modified the dragon even more cause it looked TOO much like the original artwork(a mod a friend of mine made for Trove) and also re-did its rig cause some of the wing and body movements weren’t good when I tried a walking animation.

I’ll probably re-color eventually but that’s easy, getting it to look good when animated is the more difficult part.

Man vs Dragon who will win? (Attacking and walking coming soon)


So I spent most the day on the coding side of things but I have gotten a walking animation for my little dragon.

I spent most the day setting up the ability to climb slopes rather than having to jump up every one. Still a little jittery but whatever, that’s fine for no.


Here is a demo of the current state of ‘battle’

I still need to add the climbing of slops for enemies but it’s coming along.

Dragon still needs:
Dying animation
Running animation
Sprinting animation(?)

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I noticed when I was recording the dragon fighting gif that things got hard with the current control system to keep track of your target. So I added in a targetting system(shout out to Zelda twilight princess) that aims the camera at a point between you and the target and will release the target if you try to turn away too much(for swift retreats and such)
Targetting can be toggled between enemies and will prioritize the target centermost on the screen.

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Spent the night working on enemy spawning and roaming movement.
Can’t really tell what everything is here but you can see some dragons spawning and roaming aroun randomly.
Two of them do stop and seem to be attacking something in the top left-ish(that something is me :frowning: )


Added in a quick check to make sure they don’t roam off the map or something by random luck.
They’ll stay near where they spawned relative to their spawn area.


Today’s been a UI heavy day. toggle run styles(walking, running,sprinting) with a stamina bar now.

Here’s the current state of combat:
You attack, you deal aoe damage to all in your weapons range.
Enemies can attack you but there’s a ‘grace period’ in between each attack as to not immediately blow you up.
Targeting allows you to keep track of 1 target in order for combat or avoiding.
Health gone=dead


Been working on the inventory system and equipment system for the day plan to get a lot done this weekend.
Inventory system and equipment system is partially done and working in the test, need to link it up with all the character’s gear and it’ll be mostly done(?).
Still need to get sprites for majority of items and then make tons more.


I got it linked up with the character’s actual gear. I only have the sprites made for these 4 items if you’re wondering why I used the old swapping to swap out the armor before equipping the dragoon armor.
I need to make a lot more models now… :frowning: The inventory button on the bottom also opens up the inventory menu but I used the hotkey instead to shortern the gif length(damn file size limits…)


Btw if any you of have feedback or questions I’d love to hear it.

As of now this is just my project but looking at how long it’d take to make all the items I might find more people to help w/ the models. It’d probably take me a year doing all the 2d art/ models/ animations/programming alone, I’d definitely have to get an audio tech to make sound effects if I don’t wanna use free use sounds so eh.

Added alternate variants to armor for gender difference.
Swapping gender will automatically update your armor to the correct variant and all future armor uses, it swaps back when it’s done. As of now I have 3 weapons, 3 armors, and 1 pair of gloves in-game and working.
Implementing more items should be easy just takes a while. :tired_face:

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Soon Now


Soon Done


Made a ranged shooting animation. Still gotta fix a problem with it and walking.

Edit: Fixed the walking/shooting problem, was a matter of animation layer weights.


Arrow shooting looks good! I’m still debating on how to handle turning the player around if he’s outside the range of acceptable shots. Either full on rotation or a rotation that puts in within the acceptable range.

Arrows stay on the ground for a set projectile life time. so whether they fly off into oblivion or get stuck in the ground they eventually disappear :stuck_out_tongue:

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Good Demo of the targeting system and the difference between ranged combat w/ and without.

If this is an actual game your making, then i’m amazed. great work! reminds me of cube world!