About the preview image of custom building templates

Right now, if we want to have a preview image in a custom template we made, we have to manually add it. (in the game folders and files)

I think that it could be automatic generated, like how it happens with save files.
When we save the game, it takes a screenshot and use it as a preview for that save file.

That would be really cool to have for buildings too. When we click on save template, the game would take a screenshot and that would be the preview image for it.

Maybe (if not going too far with it) right before the screenshot, the game makes all objects invisible, so only your build will show in the screenshot! :slightly_smiling: Something similar to the default templates, where the preview is only a house in a flat plain.


this would be a nice edition.

only problem i can see is that when you click “save template” the building hasnt been built yet and still is only a “ghost”, so all the pictures for your templates would just be pictures of the ghost versions…

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that shouldnt also be not an problem :wink: they just need to add a button to make the screenshot so that you can make it after complete of the building :wink:


Isn’t possible to do it in a finished build? I think all we need is select it, click on the edit button and then the option to save template will be there. I’m to lazy to open the game now and check it though, but I think it works.

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[quote=“Wiese2007, post:3, topic:18827”]
they just need to add a button to make the screenshot so that you can make it after complete of the building :wink:
[/quote]yea… but by the time a buildings finished i dont think i would remember to go back and take the screenshot… i’m forgetful… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

i actually dont know, its been awhile since i played the game, other then for mod testing :worried:


i actually dont know, its been awhile since i played the game, other then for mod testing

here the same ^^

yea… but by the time a buildings finished i dont think i would remember to go back and take the screenshot… i’m forgetful…

ok that can i understand then perhaps an quicksave and in a second instance a instantbuild with screenshot^^ or a complete own buildingeditior ^^

I know this is planned, @sdee brought it up once (not sure if it was on here or in a Stream), but as @8BitCrab said the engine doesn’t really have a way to deal with this yet.